嗨,我对 java 编程比较陌生。我编写的以下程序似乎占用了大量内存(大约 240 MB,这正常吗? - 我不这么认为!)请提出一些优化该程序的方法,以减少内存存储。
You have 2 sorted array suppose arr1[4] and arr2[3]
now we have to combinely sort them using very little extra space(i.e. in-place sort)
then result should be--in arr1[4]={1,5,7,8,10}
in arr2[3]={11,14,16}
import java.util.*;
class sort_in_place
public static void main(String args[])
// input 2 sorted arrays
int []a = {5,8,11,14,16};
int []b = {1,7,10};
System.out.println("initial array: a = "+Arrays.toString(a)+" b = "+Arrays.toString(b)+"\n");
// use extra space to store the array 'a' elements.
int key = 0, i=0;
for( i=0; i<a.length ; i++)
key = a[i]; // store value in temporary variable key.
// if key is greater than 1st element of array 'b' then exchange their values and sort array 'b'
if(key > b[0])
int j = 1;
a[i] = b[0];
while(j<b.length && key > b[j])
b[j-1] = b[j];
b[j-1] = key;
System.out.println("final array: a = "+Arrays.toString(a)+" b = "+Arrays.toString(b)+"\n");