我正在尝试编写一个正则表达式来确定 C 中宏声明的名称是否大写:
#define MY_MACRO
"#define +[^A-Z]+"
#define Mymacro
To detect #define MixedCase
but not match #define ALLUPPERCASE
you need a negative lookahead assertion:
matches the word boundary; the place where a word ends, perhaps because of whitespace after it, or the end of the line.
The (?!..)
negative lookahead assertion checks that the next word is not all uppercase, before allowing a match on a mixed-case word.
Note that I've included the _
underscore as well in the matching character class.
You may want to include digits in your macro names, they are legal, after all:
The second character class can then be simplified to \w
, which is the same as [A-Za-z0-9_]
s 与正则表达式匹配,然后使用一些非常简单的 Python 代码测试宏名称的大写:
macro_defn = re.compile(r'#define\s+(\w+)')
for line in code_source:
macro_match = macro_defn.match(line)
if macro_match:
macro_name = macro.group(1)
if macro_name.upper() != macro_name:
print line