
对于给定的美分金额,如果所有硬币管都可以容纳 64 个硬币,则尽量减少硬币管的数量。



例如,对于美国硬币,金额为 0.01 美元、0.05 美元、0.10 美元、0.25 美元、0.50 美元和 1.00 美元

6 美分可以作为 6 个 1 美分硬币在一个管中完成,

25 美分可以是一个带有单个 25c 硬币的管子,也可以是一个带有五个 5c 硬币的管子。

65 美分将作为 13 个 5c 硬币完成,因为 65 个 1c 硬币需要使用 2 个管子。

我正在尝试编写一个 minecraft 插件,但我在使用这个算法时遇到了很多困难。


3 回答 3



int[] Coins = new[] { 100, 50, 25, 10, 5, 1 };
int[,] Table = new int[6,6400];

/// Calculate the number of coins of each type that minimizes the number of
/// tubes used.
int[] Tubes(int cents)
    int[] counts = new int[Coins.Length];
    if (cents >= 6400)
        counts[0] += (cents / 6400) * 64; // number of coins in filled $1-tubes
        cents %= 6400;
    for (int i = 0; i < Coins.Length; i++)
        int count = Table[i, cents]; // N coins in (N + 63) / 64 tubes
        counts[i] += count;
        cents -= count * Coins[i];
    return cents;


void CalculateTable()
    for (int i = Coins.Length-1; i >= 0; i--)
        int coin = Coins[i];
        for (int cents = 0; cents < 6400; cents++)
            if (i == Coins.Length-1)
                // The 1 cent coin can't be divided further
                Table[i,cents] = cents;
                // Find the count that minimizes the number of tubes.
                int n = cents / coin;
                int bestTubes = -1;
                int bestCount = 0;
                for (int count = cents / coin; count >= 0; count--)
                    int cents1 = cents - count * coin;
                    int tubes = (count + 63) / 64;
                    // Use the algorithm from Tubes() above, to optimize the
                    // lesser coins.
                    for (int j = i+1; j < Coins.Length; j++)
                        int count1 = Table[j, cents1];
                        cents1 -= count1 * Coins[j];
                        tubes += (count1 + 63) / 64;
                    if (bestTubes == -1 || tubes < bestTubes)
                        bestTubes = tubes;
                        bestCount = count;
                // Store the result
                Table[i,cents] = bestCount;



Tubes(3149)  -> [ 31,  0,  0,  0,  0, 49]
Tubes (3150)  -> [  0, 63,  0,  0,  0,  0]
Tubes (31500) -> [315,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0]

数字表示硬币的数量。N个硬币可以放入 ( N + 63)/64 个管子中。

于 2012-09-10T08:30:55.340 回答


在数组T中,每个都T[i]包含一个由 6 个整数组成的数组。

如果给定的总和是65then 你打电话给tubes(65)then print T[65]

coins[1..6] = {1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100}

    if sum < coins[1]
    for i = 1 to 6
        tubes(sum - coins[i])
    best-tubes[1..6] = {64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64}
    for i = 1 to 6
        if sum - coins[i] >= 0
            current-tubes[1..6] = copy of T[sum - coins[i]]
            if current-tubes[i] < 64
                current-tubes[i] += 1
                if current-tubes is better than best-tubes*
                    best-tubes = current-tubes
    T[sum] = best-tubes


*current-tubes is better than best-tubes使用更少的管子,或使用相同数量的管子但硬币更少,或使用相同数量的管子,但管子的值更大。这是行动中的贪婪部分。

于 2012-09-10T14:29:11.883 回答


a[0] = 100; //cents
a[1] = 50; a[2] = 25; a[3] = 10; a[4] = 5; a[5] = 1;

cnt[6]; //array to store how much coins of type i you use;

void rec(sum_left, p /* position in a array */) {
   if ( p == 5 ) {
      cnt[5] = sum_left;
      //count how many tubes are used by cnt array, update current answer if neccessary;
   for ( int i = 0; i <= sum_left/a[p]; i++ )
      //take i coins of type a[p]
      rec(sum_left - i*a[i], p+1);

int main() {
   rec(sum, 0);
于 2012-09-10T05:21:39.207 回答