当我阅读 LYAH 的最后一章并遇到ListZipper时,我给自己分配了一个任务,让它成为一个 State monad,以便源代码看起来更清晰:
manipList = do
同时,我想利用 Writer monad 为这个过程保留一个日志,但我不知道如何将这两个 Monad 组合在一起。
我的解决方案是在状态内保留一个 [String],我的源代码是
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
type ListZipper a = ([a], [a])
-- move focus forward, put previous root into breadcrumbs
goForward :: ListZipper a -> ListZipper a
goForward (x:xs, bs) = (xs, x:bs)
-- move focus back, restore previous root from breadcrumbs
goBack :: ListZipper a -> ListZipper a
goBack (xs, b:bs) = (b:xs, bs)
-- wrap goForward so it becomes a State
goForwardM :: State (ListZipper a) [a]
goForwardM = state stateTrans where
stateTrans z = (fst newZ, newZ) where
newZ = goForward z
-- wrap goBack so it becomes a State
goBackM :: State (ListZipper a) [a]
goBackM = state stateTrans where
stateTrans z = (fst newZ, newZ) where
newZ = goBack z
-- here I have tried to combine State with something like a Writer
-- so that I kept an extra [String] and add logs to it manually
-- nothing but write out current focus
printLog :: Show a => State (ListZipper a, [String]) [a]
printLog = state $ \(z, logs) -> (fst z, (z, ("print current focus: " ++ (show $ fst z)):logs))
-- wrap goForward and record this move
goForwardLog :: Show a => State (ListZipper a, [String]) [a]
goForwardLog = state stateTrans where
stateTrans (z, logs) = (fst newZ, (newZ, newLog:logs)) where
newZ = goForward z
newLog = "go forward, current focus: " ++ (show $ fst newZ)
-- wrap goBack and record this move
goBackLog :: Show a => State (ListZipper a, [String]) [a]
goBackLog = state stateTrans where
stateTrans (z, logs) = (fst newZ, (newZ, newLog:logs)) where
newZ = goBack z
newLog = "go back, current focus: " ++ (show $ fst newZ)
-- return
listZipper :: [a] -> ListZipper a
listZipper xs = (xs, [])
-- return
stateZipper :: [a] -> (ListZipper a, [String])
stateZipper xs = (listZipper xs, [])
_performTestCase1 = do
performTestCase1 =
putStrLn $ show $ runState _performTestCase1 (listZipper [1..4])
_performTestCase2 = do
performTestCase2 = do
let (result2, (zipper2, log2)) = runState _performTestCase2 $ stateZipper [1..4]
putStrLn $ "Result: " ++ (show result2)
putStrLn $ "Zipper: " ++ (show zipper2)
putStrLn "Logs are: "
mapM_ putStrLn (reverse log2)
但问题是我认为这不是一个好的解决方案,因为我必须手动维护我的日志。有没有其他方法可以混合 State monad 和 Writer monad 以便它们可以一起工作?