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Mysql Real Escape String PHP Function Adding “\” to My Field Entry
So here's the deal. I have a local server and a remote server and they both run the same php file which connects to 2 identical mysql databases. On the local server, the command
mysql_query("INSERT INTO eventtypes (name) VALUES ('".addslashes($_GET['name'])."')")
works like a charm, and does not insert the slashes into the field, only the raw value of the $_GET['name']. On the remote server however, the slashes are being inserted too. I have tried these:
mysql_query("INSERT INTO eventtypes (name) VALUES ('".str_replace("'","''",$_GET['name'])."')
This one returns false, although when I run the exact returned string on the command line of the corresponding database, it properly inserts the right amount of single quotes, which is super-weird.
mysql_query("INSERT INTO eventtypes (name) VALUES ('".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['name'])."')")
mysql_real_escape_string() only added slashes to the single quotes, which were also inserted like with addslashes().