print "Hello, and welcome to the Slightly Interactive Autobiography of Robbie Wood."
print "Lets get started, shall we? What chapter would you like to read first?"
chapter = raw_input("Please type either 'Chapter 1', 'Chapter 2' or 'Chapter 3': ")
if chapter = "Chapter 1":
print "Chapter 1"
print chapter_one
else chapter = "Chapter 2":
print "Chapter 2"
print chapter_two
elif chapter = "Chapter 3":
print "Chapter 3"
print chapter_three
chapters = raw_input("Please type either 'Chapter 1', 'Chapter 2', or 'Chapter 3': ")
# Variables - Chapters
chapter_one = "text here..."
chapter_two = "text here..."
chapter_three = "text here..."
Last login: Fri Sep 7 17:22:59 on ttys000
Robbies-MacBook-Pro:~ robbiewood$ /var/folders/y6/kx37qgbs34124ztdgb4tphs00000gn/T/Cleanup\ At\ Startup/autobiography-368756862.498.py.command ; exit;
File "/private/var/folders/y6/kx37qgbs34124ztdgb4tphs00000gn/T/Cleanup At Startup/autobiography-368756862.497.py", line 9
else chapter = "Chapter 2":
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
[Process completed]
有人可以帮我解决这个问题吗?我是一名初学者 Python 编码器,我正在为一个学校项目编写一个“稍微互动的自传”。