我刚从:http://jsfiddle.net/FJFFJ/1/开始 (由Chain 使用 JQuery 动态创建的下拉菜单



Argentina | San Juan | Rawson
Chile     | Santiago | Chiñihue


Chile | Santiago | Chiñihue



1 回答 1


这实际上是一个比我想象的更难的问题。显然,当您克隆 SELECT 元素集时,它无法更改为未显示的内容。我花了大约一个小时左右才弄清楚到底发生了什么,很好的挑战,谢谢!

我最终要做的是克隆您的模板并手动更改值并手动调用“更改”事件,以便在辅助和三元 SELECT 元素中可以使用正确的选项。

版本 1:http: //jsfiddle.net/m4JTQ/2/

版本 2(这是摆脱i迭代器的修改版本:http: //jsfiddle.net/Zf7xb/1/

这是 jsfiddle 最终消失的代码。

// Version 1
$(function() {

    // Iterator for the dupe ids
    var i = 0;

    $('#clone').click(function() {
        // put the clone() into cloned
        var cloned = $('#template').clone();

        // Add .dupe class to cloned

        // Set the id of cloned, use i++ instead of incrementing it elsewhere.
        $(cloned).attr('id', 'duplicate'+ i++);

        // Append cloned to #filter

        // Passing selector rather than iteration                   

        // If this is NOT the first addition, do some kludge
        if ($('#filter div.dupe').length!==1) {
            // Set the previous clone to lastClone
            var lastClone = $(cloned).siblings('div.dupe:last');

            // Set the value of .pais to the value of the previous .pais
            // Do the "change" event manually.

            // Set the value of .provincia to the value of the previous .provincia
            // Do the "change" event manually

            // Set the value of .ciudad to the value of the previous .cudad


        // Show the hidden div
        $('#filter div:hidden').show();

    $('#remove').click(function() {
        // Remove all but the very last set of options
        if ($('#filter > div').length > 1) {
            $('#filter > div').last().remove();

    // Manually do the "click" event

// Here I'm getting the cloned full selector
function chainItWithId(cloned) {
    // Chain .provincia to .pais in the current clone
    // Chain .ciudad to .provincia in the current clone


// Version 2
$(function() {

    $('#clone').click(function() {
        // put the clone() into cloned
        var cloned = $('#template').clone();

        // Add .dupe class to cloned

        // Set the id to the count of div.dupe elements in #filter
        // This will increment 0,1,2,3 as you add elements.
        $(cloned).attr('id', 'duplicate'+ $('#filter div.dupe').length);

        // Append cloned to #filter

        // Passing selector rather than iteration                    

        // If this is NOT the first addition, do some kludge
        if ($('#filter div.dupe').length!==1) {
            // Set the previous clone to lastClone
            var lastClone = $(cloned).siblings('div.dupe:last');

            // Set the value of .pais to the value of the previous .pais
            // Do the "change" event manually.

            // Set the value of .provincia to the value of the previous .provincia
            // Do the "change" event manually

            // Set the value of .ciudad to the value of the previous .cudad


        // Show the hidden div
        $('#filter div:hidden').show();

    $('#remove').click(function() {
        // Remove all but the very last set of options
        if ($('#filter > div').length > 1) {
            $('#filter > div').last().remove();

    // Manually do the "click" event

// Here I'm getting the cloned full selector
function chainItWithId(cloned) {
    // Chain .provincia to .pais in the current clone
    // Chain .ciudad to .provincia in the current clone
于 2012-09-24T21:36:55.373 回答