class Matcher(object):
def __init__(self, pattern):
self._re = re.compile(pattern)
def match(self, value):
return self._re.match(value)
总而言之,我的脚本运行大约需要 45 秒。作为实验,我将代码更改为:
class Matcher(object):
def __init__(self, pattern):
self._re = re.compile(pattern)
self.match = self._re.match
运行此脚本需要 37 秒。无论我重复这个过程多少次,我都看到了同样显着的性能提升。通过 cProfile 运行它会显示如下内容:
ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function)
46100979 14.356 0.000 14.356 0.000 {method 'match' of '_sre.SRE_Pattern' objects}
44839409 9.287 0.000 20.031 0.000 matcher.py:266(match)
为什么 match 方法在运行时间上增加了 9.2 秒?最令人沮丧的部分是我试图重新创建一个简单的案例并且无法做到。我在这里想念什么?我的简单测试用例有一个错误!现在它模仿了我看到的行为:
import re
import sys
import time
class X(object):
def __init__(self):
self._re = re.compile('.*a')
def match(self, value):
return self._re.match(value)
class Y(object):
def __init__(self):
self._re = re.compile('ba')
self.match = self._re.match
inp = 'ba'
x = X()
y = Y()
sys.stdout.write("Testing with a method...")
start = time.time()
for i in range(100000000):
m = x.match(inp)
end = time.time()
sys.stdout.write("Done: "+str(end-start)+"\n")
sys.stdout.write("Testing with an attribute...")
start = time.time()
for i in range(100000000):
m = y.match(inp)
end = time.time()
sys.stdout.write("Done: "+str(end-start)+"\n")
$ python speedtest.py
Testing with a method...Done: 50.6646981239
Testing with an attribute...Done: 35.5526258945
作为参考,使用 pyp 两者都快得多,但在使用属性而不是方法运行时仍然显示出显着的收益:
$ pypy speedtest.py
Testing with a method...Done: 6.15996003151
Testing with an attribute...Done: 3.57215714455