I have a custom server control that loads data from a web service into a GridView. Works fine on my page. I want to be able to click on a row and pop a popupcontrol with more detail on the clicked row. I am using the client side events of the DevExpress gridview to handle the onclick. And from JavaScript I am calling a callbackpanel to access my custom server control to get properties to use in the popupcontrol. In the callback, the properties on my server control (which were previously set in order to display the data) are not set, yet any of the other standard controls on the page still have their property settings. Am I missing a setting in my customer server control that will persist my property settings into a callback?


2 回答 2


有几种方法可以通过回发来持久化值。您选择的方法将取决于您的具体情况,您没有详细说明。就个人而言,我认为这听起来像是 AJAX 的好地方......

这是一篇很棒的文章,有一些选项:http: //msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc300437.aspx

于 2008-09-23T19:22:44.370 回答


于 2008-09-23T19:25:44.503 回答