Is there a window manager for Visual Studio 2008 like this one. I really liked it, and that's all I used in Visual Studio 2005 and saw somewhere it is supposed to work in Visual Studio 2008, but it doesn't. I have tried it on many installations of Visual Studio 2008, and it doesn't remember any settings. I really liked being able to easily change window layout quickly. Right now I just manually import and export settings, but it's not an instant process.

What do I have to do to make it work?


4 回答 4


您可以查看我的博文Save and Change Tool Layout in Visual Studio,它提供了列出和切换窗口布局的功能。

于 2010-09-09T02:22:48.723 回答

您应该在CodePlex上联系 RW 。他声称它可以在 Visual Studio 2008 中运行。查看此项目

于 2008-09-24T02:28:49.260 回答

以下宏可能会为您解决问题。我做了上面提到的 WindowManager,重新编译它以适用于 Visual Studio 2008,但我仍然发现它有点不稳定。此外,我不使用 WindowManager 中的“自动应用布局”功能,因此这些宏非常适合我从双显示器工作切换到仅笔记本电脑工作。

Sub DualMonitorConfiguration_Save()
    SaveWindowConfiguration("Dual Monitor Layout")
End Sub

Sub DualMonitorConfiguration_Load()
    LoadWindowConfiguration("Dual Monitor Layout")
End Sub

Sub LaptopOnlyConfiguration_Save()
    SaveWindowConfiguration("Laptop Only Layout")
End Sub

Sub LaptopOnlyConfiguration_Load()
    LoadWindowConfiguration("Laptop Only Layout")
End Sub

Private Sub SaveWindowConfiguration(ByVal configName As String)
    Dim selectedConfig As WindowConfiguration
    selectedConfig = FindWindowConfiguration(configName)
    If selectedConfig Is Nothing Then
        selectedConfig = DTE.WindowConfigurations.Add(configName)
    End If

    DTE.StatusBar.Text = "Window configuration saved: " & configName
End Sub

Sub LoadWindowConfiguration(ByVal configName As String)
    Dim selectedConfig As WindowConfiguration
    selectedConfig = FindWindowConfiguration(configName)
    If selectedConfig Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox("Window Configuration """ & configName & """ not found.")
        DTE.StatusBar.Text = "Window configuration applied: " & configName
    End If
End Sub

Private Function FindWindowConfiguration(ByVal name As String) As WindowConfiguration
    Dim selectedLayout As WindowConfiguration

    For Each config As WindowConfiguration In DTE.WindowConfigurations
        If config.Name = name Then
            Return config
        End If

    Return Nothing
End Function
于 2008-12-03T17:32:42.407 回答



要使其适用于 2008 年,请将新的 HostApplication 元素添加到 WindowManager2005.AddIn 文件。该文件通常位于“%APPDATA%\Microsoft\MSEnvShared\Addins”中。将新元素中的版本更改为 9.0 (VS 2008),它应该可以在 2008 和 2005 中使用。

  <Name>Microsoft Visual Studio</Name>
于 2008-12-03T17:39:33.453 回答