
基本上这个表需要像 jQuery 日历一样工作,点击顶部的下一个按钮应该带你到下一列 + 突出显示,并且顶部的“事件 1”块中的内容也应该改变,一旦你位于最后一列,然后单击下一步,将新列滑入表中,因此它从 E2-E7 开始,依此类推。

我开始认为这在 jQuery 中甚至是不可能的,但话又说回来,我的 jQuery 技能相当生锈。谁能告诉我我想要的是否可能以及提示或帮助?

代码可以在这里找到:http: //jsfiddle.net/yunowork/wDAdp/2/


2 回答 2


演示:http: //jsfiddle.net/wDAdp/5/

    var $nextCol = $('.highlighted').next('td'); // Grab the next column
    if($nextCol.length != 0){ //If it exists
        $('.highlighted').removeClass("highlighted"); //Remove previous highlight
        $nextCol.addClass("highlighted"); // add highlight to the new column
        // Add a new column here.


于 2012-09-06T20:48:24.637 回答




<table class="tbl-1">

      <td colspan="2" class="emptyrace"></td>
      <td colspan="6" class="race"><a class="previous" href="#">◄&lt;/a><span class="event"></span><a class="next" href="#">►&lt;/a></td>
      <td colspan="2" class="raceorder"><strong>Player</strong></td>
      <td id="r1" data-e1="Event 1" data-e2="Miami - 10:00" class="roundnumber"><strong>E1</strong></td>
      <td id="r2" data-e1="Event 2" data-e2="Miami - 10:00" class="roundnumber"><strong>E2</strong></td>
      <td id="r3" data-e1="Event 3" data-e2="Miami - 10:00" class="roundnumber"><strong>E3</strong></td>
      <td id="r4" data-e1="Event 4" data-e2="Miami - 10:00" class="roundnumber"><strong>E4</strong></td>
      <td id="r5" data-e1="Event 5" data-e2="Miami - 10:00" class="roundnumber"><strong>E5</strong></td>
      <td id="r6" data-e1="Event 6" data-e2="Miami - 10:00" class="roundnumber"><strong>E6</strong></td>
      <td id="r7" data-e1="Event 7" data-e2="Miami - 10:00" class="roundnumber"><strong>E7</strong></td>
    <tr class="selectionrow">
      <td colspan="2">Jeff</td>
      <td id="r1"><input type="checkbox" name="race1" value="R1"></td>
      <td id="r2"><input type="checkbox" name="race1" value="R2"></td>
      <td id="r3"><input type="checkbox" name="race1" value="R3"></td>
      <td id="r4"><input type="checkbox" name="race1" value="R4"></td>
      <td id="r5"><input type="checkbox" name="race1" value="R5"></td>
      <td id="r6"><input type="checkbox" name="race1" value="R6"></td>
      <td id="r6"><input type="checkbox" name="race1" value="R6"></td>
    <tr class="selectionrow">
      <td colspan="2">Kevin</td>
      <td id="r1"><input type="checkbox" name="race2" value="R1"></td>
      <td id="r2"><input type="checkbox" name="race2" value="R2"></td>
      <td id="r3"><input type="checkbox" name="race2" value="R3"></td>
      <td id="r4"><input type="checkbox" name="race2" value="R4"></td>
      <td id="r5"><input type="checkbox" name="race2" value="R5"></td>
      <td id="r6"><input type="checkbox" name="race2" value="R6"></td>
      <td id="r6"><input type="checkbox" name="race2" value="R6"></td>
    <tr class="selectionrow">
      <td colspan="2">William</td>
      <td id="r1"><input type="checkbox" name="race3" value="R1"></td>
      <td id="r2"><input type="checkbox" name="race3" value="R2"></td>
      <td id="r3"><input type="checkbox" name="race3" value="R3"></td>
      <td id="r4"><input type="checkbox" name="race3" value="R4"></td>
      <td id="r6"><input type="checkbox" name="race3" value="R5"></td>
      <td id="r6"><input type="checkbox" name="race3" value="R6"></td>
      <td id="r6"><input type="checkbox" name="race3" value="R6"></td>


$.fn.c_tbl = function(){

    var range       = parseInt($("tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)",this).attr("colspan")); // range for visiblity(td) based on colspan

    $("tr",this) // Find all tr and its td
                $(this).hide(); // Hide the rest of the td that outside of range (colspan)

    $(this).highlighted(1); // highlight 1st td (default active, can change to any index.)

        var target  = $(this).parents("table");
        var active  = parseInt($("tr:eq(1)",target).find("td.highlighted").index());
        var ind_first_visible   = parseInt($("tr:eq(1)",target).find("td:not(:eq(0)):visible:first").index());
        var ind_last_visible    = parseInt($("tr:eq(1)",target).find("td:not(:eq(0)):visible:last").index());

        if(active>1){ // Prevent previous action after reached 1st event

            if(active == ind_last_visible && active !== range){




        var target  = $(this).parents("table");
        var active  = $("tr:eq(1)",target).find("td.highlighted").index();
        var ind_last_visible    = $("tr:eq(1)",target).find("td:not(:eq(0)):visible:last").index();

        if(active < $("tr:eq(1)",target).find("td").length-1){ // Prevent next action after reached last event

            if(active == ind_last_visible){





$.fn.highlighted = function(x){
        x = index of td to be highlighted
        funtion to hightlight the active `td` 
        change its title event name

    var top_title   = $("tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)",this);
    var e_title     = $("tr:eq(1) td:eq("+x+")",this).data("e1")+"<br>"+$("tr:eq(1) td:eq("+x+")",this).data("e2");

    $(".event",top_title).html(e_title); // Change events name

    .not("tr:eq(0)") // Ignore 1st row because this row is for event
    .addClass("highlighted"); // Add class to next active `td`

$.fn.show_td = function(x){ // Funtion to show the `td` 
    // x = index of td to be show

$.fn.hide_td = function(x){ // Funtion to hide the `td` 
    // x = index of td to be hide

$(".tbl-1").c_tbl(); // Example for the 1st table with different colspan value

JSFiddle 示例:https ://jsfiddle.net/synz/182xtgoL/

我在那个 JSFiddle 示例中使用了 2 个表。展示不同之处以及如何使用它。

于 2018-09-04T07:33:45.737 回答