我正在尝试在 JavaScript 中创建一个非常基本的富文本编辑器,但我遇到了选择问题。所以基本上,因为它是一个 contentEditable <div>,任何时候用户从网页粘贴预先格式化的文本,格式都不会被剥离。
一个容易破解的技巧是在按下 Ctrl + V 时将焦点放在 <textarea> 上,因此文本会粘贴在那里,然后 onkeyup,将焦点返回到 <div>,复制内容并删除进入的任何内容到 <textarea>。
所以这很容易,但是当我将焦点放回 contentEditable &;t;div> 时,插入符号的位置在开头,而不是在粘贴之后。我对选择的了解不够多,无法弄清楚,所以我很感激一些帮助。这是我的代码:
// Helpers to keep track of the length of the thing we paste, the cursor position
// and a temporary random number so we can mark the position.
editor_stuff =
cursor_position: 0,
paste_length: 0,
temp_rand: 0,
// On key up (for the textarea).
document.getElementById("backup_editor").onkeyup = function()
var main_editor = document.getElementById("question_editor");
var backup_editor = document.getElementById("backup_editor");
var marker_position = main_editor.innerHTML.search(editor_stuff.temp_rand);
// Replace the "marker" with the .value of the <textarea>
main_editor.innerHTML = main_editor.innerHTML.replace(editor_stuff.temp_rand, backup_editor.value);
backup_editor.value = "";
// On key down (for the contentEditable DIV).
document.getElementById("question_editor").onkeydown = function(event)
key = event;
// Grab control + V end handle paste so "plain text" is pasted and
// not formatted text. This is easy to break with Edit -> Paste or
// Right click -> Paste.
(key.keyCode == 86 || key.charCode == 86) && // "V".
(key.keyCode == 17 || key.charCode == 17 || key.ctrlKey) // "Ctrl"
// Create a random number marker at the place where we paste.
editor_stuff.temp_rand = Math.floor((Math.random() * 99999999));
document.getElementById("question_editor").textContent += editor_stuff.temp_rand;