如何将 args 传递给事件处理函数?这会在页面加载时运行该功能,这不是预期的效果。我需要这个例程“validateText”来针对几个不同的文本框、下拉组合运行。我可以重复使用“validateText”而不是为每个文本/下拉组合创建一个吗?
//add blur event handler to the textbox with jQuery when the page is finished loading
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#myTextbox").blur(validateText($("#myTextbox"), $("#Select1")));
function validateText(textbox, dropdown) {
var message = $("#message");
var isValid = false;
//get the value the user type in
var textboxValue = $(textbox).val();
//get the options from the lookup
var options = $("option", dropdown);
//loop through the options and compare it to "value"
options.each(function() {
var optValue = $(this).val();
if (optValue === textboxValue) {
isValid = true;
if (!isValid)
message.text(textboxValue + " is not a valid value from the list.");
message.text(textboxValue + " is perfectly valid.");