在 OSX 10.7.4 上的 VMWare Fusion 5.0.1 上运行 MCF。VMC 是版本 0.3.19

当我尝试在 MCF 上创建 mysql 服务时,我进入了 vmc:

maguro:Desktop darrellberry$ vmc create-service
1: redis
2: mongodb
3: postgresql
4: mysql
5: rabbitmq
Which service would you like to provision?: 4
Creating Service [mysql-eaca7]: 
Error 503: Unexpected response from service gateway

在 MCF 实例上,/var/vcap/sys/log/mysql_gateway/mysql_gateway.log 显示:

[2012-09-06 09:14:56] mysql_gateway - 3249 c74f 72e9   INFO -- Sending info to cloud controller: http://api.xx.cloudfoundry.me/services/v1/offerings
[2012-09-06 09:14:56] mysql_gateway - 3249 c74f 72e9   INFO -- Successfully registered with cloud controller
[2012-09-06 09:15:55] mysql_gateway - 3249 c74f 72e9  DEBUG -- Provision request for label=mysql-5.1 plan=free
[2012-09-06 09:15:55] mysql_gateway - 3249 c74f 72e9  DEBUG -- [MyaaS-Provisioner] Attempting to provision instance (request={:label=>"mysql-5.1", :name=>"mysql-83457", :email=>"xx@xx.com", :plan=>"free"})
[2012-09-06 09:15:56] mysql_gateway - 3249 c74f 72e9   INFO -- Sending info to cloud controller: http://api.xx.cloudfoundry.me/services/v1/offerings
[2012-09-06 09:15:56] mysql_gateway - 3249 c74f 72e9   INFO -- Successfully registered with cloud controller
[2012-09-06 09:15:57] mysql_gateway - 3249 c74f 72e9  DEBUG -- [MyaaS-Provisioner] Found the following nodes: []
[2012-09-06 09:16:05] mysql_gateway - 3249 c74f 72e9   WARN -- Request timeout in 10 seconds.


这是 100% 可重复的。但是,我可以毫无错误地提供其他类型的服务(postgresql、rabbitmq 等)。所有帮助表示赞赏。


1 回答 1


无论出于何种原因,mysql 节点都没有启动(每个服务都有一个节点和一个网关)。查看 /var/vcap/sys/log/mysql/mysqld.err.log 的最后 100 行,看看是否有任何明显的地方。

更好的是,通过安装 telnet 并连接到 VM 本身的端口 3306 来仔细检查服务是否正在运行;

sudo apt-get install telnet
telnet localhost 3306


Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.

那么mysql肯定正在运行。mysqld 也应该出现在进程列表中。

于 2012-09-06T10:11:14.923 回答