import os, errno
def lastlines(hugefile, n, bsize=2048):
# get newlines type, open in universal mode to find it
with open(hugefile, 'rU') as hfile:
if not hfile.readline():
return # empty, no point
sep = hfile.newlines # After reading a line, python gives us this
assert isinstance(sep, str), 'multiple newline types found, aborting'
# find a suitable seek position in binary mode
with open(hugefile, 'rb') as hfile:
hfile.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
linecount = 0
pos = 0
while linecount <= n + 1:
# read at least n lines + 1 more; we need to skip a partial line later on
hfile.seek(-bsize, os.SEEK_CUR) # go backwards
linecount += hfile.read(bsize).count(sep) # count newlines
hfile.seek(-bsize, os.SEEK_CUR) # go back again
except IOError, e:
if e.errno == errno.EINVAL:
# Attempted to seek past the start, can't go further
bsize = hfile.tell()
hfile.seek(0, os.SEEK_SET)
pos = 0
linecount += hfile.read(bsize).count(sep)
raise # Some other I/O exception, re-raise
pos = hfile.tell()
# Re-open in text mode
with open(hugefile, 'r') as hfile:
hfile.seek(pos, os.SEEK_SET) # our file position from above
for line in hfile:
# We've located n lines *or more*, so skip if needed
if linecount > n:
linecount -= 1
# The rest we yield
yield line