I am exporting data from sql table to CSV file. Few of my columns in the table has "Comma(,)" separated data, while loading the same into CSV file, data has been splitted into two columns.
data in Sql table
ename desig Industry
Roy PM Business,Analyst
Rem PL Marketting and Production
King PM Marketting, Analyst
while exporting the same data to CSv File it is coming in this way
ename desig Industry
Roy PM Business Analyst
Rem PL Marketting and Production
King PM Marketting Analyst
Since this is CSV format, it is delimiting after comma and taking Analyst as another column instead of same with Industry column.
My required output in CSV File
ename desig Industry
Roy PM Business,Analyst
Rem PL Marketting and Production
King PM Marketting, Analyst
my FaltFileConnectionManager Settings are below
in General tab
Header Row Delimiter {CR}-{LF}
Columns Tab
Row Delimiter {CR}-{LF}
Column Delimiter Comma{,}
I changed these setting , but still facing the same issue.