error: cannot convert ‘char*’ to ‘char (*)[7][49]’ for argument ‘1’ to
‘void save(char (*)[7][49])’
这发生在我的代码第 63:61、67:46 和 70:36 行。
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
//function prototype
Name: deal
Process: takes cards from file into 3d array and 2d array
Input: array name (int),2d array name (int)
Output: none
Dependencies: none
void deal ( char tablue [7][7][49] , char wastePile [24][24]);
Name: displayCards
Process: Displays cards from array to screen
Input: tablue array (char)
Output to screen: The cards in a solitaire display
Dependencies: None
void displayCards ( char tabalue [7][7][49]);
Name: save
Process: Save tablue to a file
Input: tablue (char)
Output: None
Depnencies: None
void save ( char tablaue [7][7][49] );
// global constants
ofstream fout;
ifstream fin;
//main program
int main()
//initialize variables
bool menu = true;
char choice;
char tablaue [7][7][49], wastePile [24][24];
//switch menu
// display options
cout<< "G.ame" << endl << "Q.uit" << endl;
while ( menu == true )
// get user choice
cin >> choice;
// switch
switch (choice)
// if game
case 'G':
//get cards from file
//deal cards to three "deminsion array" and into waste pile
// function deal
deal ( &tablaue [7][7][49], &wastePile [24][24]);
//display cards on screen
// function displayCards
displayCards ( &tablaue [7][7][49]);
//save tablaue
save ( &tablaue [7][7][49]);
// pause screen
//system pause
// break case
//if quit
case 'Q':
// end switch
menu = false;
//break case
// display exit screen
cout<< "Thanks for playing";
//end program
return 0;
void deal (char tablue [7][7][49], char wastePile [24][24])
/*/ initialize variables
char card [40];
char space [10];
int rowI, colI, cardI;
// open file
// prime loop
fin << card;
//take in cards
while (fin.good())
fin << SPACE;
// fill in array
for ( rowI=0, rowI<7, rowI++)
for ( colI=0, colI<7, colI++)
for ( cardI=0, cardI<49, cardI++)
// check to see if slot should be empty
if ( rowI < colI)
tablue[rowI][colI][cardI] = "EMPTY";
// put card in slot
tablue[rowI][colI][cardI] = card;
//fill waste pile
for (rowI=0, rowI<24, rowI++)
wastePile [rowI] = card;
void displayCards ( char tablue[7][7][49])
/*/ initialize variables
int rowI, colI, cardI;
// make space
cout<< endl << endl << " ";
// display card
for (rowI =0, rowI<7, rowI++)
for (colI=0, colI<7, colI++)
for (cardI=0, cardI<7, cardI++)
//check for empty slot
if ( tablue[rowI][colI][cardI] != "EMPTY")
cout << tablue [rowI][colI][cardI];
cout<< " ";
//print space
cout<<" ";
void save ( char tablue [7][7][49] )