编辑:解决了!我只是忘记在“else if”下包含一个“else”语句,它会返回一个空白
我正在使用 Java,并且正在制作扫雷游戏。
下面,'buttons' 数组是一个 2D 按钮数组,而 'cells' 数组是一个 2D 单元格对象数组(用于确定该单元格的状态)。显然每个单元格对应一个按钮。
public void findEmptyCells(int i, int j) // this method is called when a cell is clicked, therefore all adjacent empty cells will be opened
if (i >= 0 && j >= 0 && i < 9 && j < 9) //ie the block actually exists on the grid
if (cells[i][j].getAdjMines() == 0 && cells[i][j].getIsMine() == false && cells[i][j].getIsFlagged() == false && cells[i][j].getIsOpen() == false) //if cell is empty & not a mine & not flagged
buttons[i][j].setIcon(new ImageIcon("buttonImages/but" + cells[i][j].getAdjMines() + ".png")); //here the getAdjMines value will be 0, so the empty cell icon will be placed
cells[i][j].setIsOpen(true); //for later, if we need to identify which cells are still unclicked
//now to check all adjacent cells
findEmptyCells(i - 1, j); //left
findEmptyCells(i + 1, j); //right
findEmptyCells(i, j + 1); //up
findEmptyCells(i, j - 1); //down
findEmptyCells(i - 1, j + 1); //up-left
findEmptyCells(i + 1, j + 1); //up-right
findEmptyCells(i - 1, j - 1); //down-left
findEmptyCells(i + 1, j - 1); //down-right
else if (cells[i][j].getAdjMines() > 0)
buttons[i][j].setIcon(new ImageIcon("buttonImages/but" + cells[i][j].getAdjMines() + ".png"));
cells[i][j].setIsOpen(true); //for later, if we need to identify which cells are still unclicked