我有一个在线工具,您可以在其中进行演示,然后直接在线预览或下载它们以供稍后在演示中使用。这已在 Flash 中完成。为演示文稿创建了一个 xml,然后 flash 使用它来显示所有内容。与可下载版本相同,您可以获得包含 Flash 投影文件、xml 和所有所需文件的包。效果很好。
我现在用 html、css 和 javascript 重新制作了它,因此它可以与移动/ipad 一起使用,并且在线预览效果很好,我还没有为可下载版本找到一个好的解决方案。
I have tried appjs which works, but it is a bit big and not stable enough yet (must be stable for the people using it). I have also tried Zinc from multidmedia where I create an app that displays a web browser where I put the presentation. However, since Zinc is using IE7 for the browser on windows it needs flash video which Zinc can't handle(weird, I know).
What I really would want is to be able to package everything (html, css, js, images, videos, xml) from my server into presentation.app or presentation.exe and it works, it would however be ok to have the presentation viewer (html, css, js) packaged togheter as an app and the presentation material in a seperate folder where the xml, images and videos for the presentation is.
Anyone have any tips?