有没有人让 signalR 在 Windows 8 或 Server 2012 上运行?当我浏览到信号器 url 时,我收到以下错误:

Protocol error: Unknown transport.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. 

Exception Details: System.InvalidOperationException: Protocol error: Unknown transport.

Source Error: 

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.

Stack Trace: 
[InvalidOperationException: Protocol error: Unknown transport.]
SignalR.PersistentConnection.ProcessRequestAsync(HostContext context) +1052
SignalR.Hosting.AspNet.AspNetHandler.ProcessRequestAsync(HttpContextBase context) +746
SignalR.Hosting.AspNet.HttpTaskAsyncHandler.System.Web.IHttpAsyncHandler.BeginProcessRequest(HttpContext context, AsyncCallback cb, Object extraData) +97
System.Web.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() +12551795
System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) +288

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET Version:4.0.30319.17929

1 回答 1


SignalR 在 Windows 8 和 Server 2012 上运行良好,您的问题似乎并非特定于操作系统。

于 2013-01-12T16:46:43.767 回答