
我的 ruby​​ on rails 有问题。帮助我解决问题,并请提供一个好的概念。

设想 :

到目前为止一切都很好,直到今天。根据应用程序的要求,我应该向现有的 ROR 应用程序添加一些静态页面。基本上,应用程序已经开发并且工作正常,我需要向它添加一些静态页面。我在公共文件夹中放了一些静态页面,一切都顺利进行。bt 在应用程序的某个点上,即应用程序的索引页面有应用程序的登录名(不是静态页面),我有将该登录名放在那些静态页面(views/users/index.erb)的其中一个 div 中,已将代码从 index.html 复制粘贴到 index.erb.so,当我输入登录页面的地址时,站点导航也可以。但是当我单击主页时(显示公共文件夹的页面并且应用程序的登录代码不起作用。) 我希望它与视图文件夹中的 index.erb 一起显示。


希望我能以一种很好的方式解决这个问题,以便更好地理解这个问题。我正在使用 ruby​​mine 编辑器

PS我是ROR的新手..完全是新的。有.NET作为我的域。所以请给我一些基本的教程链接,我可以系统地理解MVC和ROR.Googling dint帮助:(



1 回答 1


RoR takes a little bit of work and understanding to grasp, mostly because there is so much too it; from "code" to "installation/configuration" to "deploy".

Sounds like you need to look up and understand "Routing" for Static Pages.

You are quite right, the default location will be "public" with the index.html page inside there. Leave that as such; as if your "Routing" is working correctly, then views/users/index.erb will show up.

Just to give you some general direction; Add your configuration in config/routes.rb

Then use the root to: command.

My configuration: (this links to app/views/static_pages/home.html.erb)

root to: "static_pages#home"

get "static_pages/home"

That works perfectly. You might also want to check in the "logs" folder for possible errors.

于 2012-09-05T10:49:37.017 回答