I am reading up dynamic programming chapter of Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen et al. I am trying to understand how to characterize the space of subproblems . They gave two examples of dynamic programming . Both these two problems have an input of size n

  1. Rod cutting problem (Cut the rod of size n optimally)
  2. Matrix parenthesization problem .(Parenthesize the matrix product A1 . A2 .A3 ...An optimally to get the least number of scalar multiplications)

For the first problem , they choose a subproblem of the form where they make a cut of length k , assuming that the left subproblem resulting from the cut can not be cut any further and the right subproblem can be cut further thereby giving us a single subproblem of size (n-k) .

But for the second problem that choose subproblems of the type Ai...Aj where 1<=i<=j<=n . Why did they choose to keep both ends open for this problem ? Why not close one end and just consider on subproblems of size (n-k)? Why need both i and j here instead of a single k split?


2 回答 2






  • 如果你知道如何解决一个问题,你可以使用类似的技术来解决类似的问题。
  • 尝试不同的方法,并根据每个维度的输入大小估计复杂性的顺序(时间和内存),然后给定每个维度的大小,看看它是否执行得足够快,并且在内存限制内。


于 2012-09-05T10:01:18.797 回答

Vazirani 关于动态编程的技术说明 http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~vazirani/algorithms/chap6.pdf 有一些有用的方法可以在给定输入的情况下创建子问题。我在下面的列表中添加了一些其他方法:

  1. 输入 x_1、x_2、..x_n。子问题是 x_1...x_i。

  2. 输入 x_1, x_2....x_n。子问题是 x_i, ...x_j。

  3. 输入 x_1, x_2...x_n 和 y_1, y_2..y_m。子问题是 x_1, x_2, ..x_i 和 y_1, y_2, ..y_j。

  4. 输入是有根树。子问题是有根子树。

  5. 输入是一个矩阵。子问题是与原始矩阵共享一个角的不同长度的子矩阵。

  6. 输入是一个矩阵。子问题是所有可能的子矩阵。


于 2013-04-24T07:45:03.243 回答