对 localhost 和 phpmyadmin 都有问题的 WAMP 人员加载空白,这通常是端口问题。我的只是 phpmyadmin 空白。sqlbuddy 和 phpinfo 没问题。



120905  8:03:08 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled.
120905  8:03:08 InnoDB: The InnoDB memory heap is disabled
120905  8:03:08 InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use Windows interlocked functions
120905  8:03:08 InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.3
120905  8:03:09 InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, size = 128.0M
120905  8:03:09 InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool
120905  8:03:09 InnoDB: highest supported file format is Barracuda.
120905  8:03:09  InnoDB: Waiting for the background threads to start
120905  8:03:10 InnoDB: 1.1.8 started; log sequence number 1595675
120905  8:03:11 [Note] Server hostname (bind-address): '(null)'; port: 3306
120905  8:03:11 [Note]   - '(null)' resolves to '::';
120905  8:03:11 [Note]   - '(null)' resolves to '';
120905  8:03:11 [Note] Server socket created on IP: ''.
120905  8:03:13 [Note] Event Scheduler: Loaded 0 events
120905  8:03:13 [Note] wampmysqld: ready for connections.


[Wed Sep 05 08:03:09 2012] [notice] Apache/2.2.22 (Win32) PHP/5.4.3 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Wed Sep 05 08:03:09 2012] [notice] Server built: May 13 2012 13:32:42
[Wed Sep 05 08:03:09 2012] [notice] Parent: Created child process 3812
[Wed Sep 05 08:03:09 2012] [notice] Child 3812: Child process is running
[Wed Sep 05 08:03:09 2012] [notice] Child 3812: Acquired the start mutex.
[Wed Sep 05 08:03:09 2012] [notice] Child 3812: Starting 64 worker threads.
[Wed Sep 05 08:03:09 2012] [notice] Child 3812: Starting thread to listen on port 80.
[Wed Sep 05 08:03:09 2012] [notice] Child 3812: Starting thread to listen on port 80.
[Wed Sep 05 08:04:14 2012] [error] [client] File does not exist: C:/wamp/www/favicon.ico
[Wed Sep 05 08:09:50 2012] [error] [client] File does not exist: C:/wamp/www/favicon.ico
[Wed Sep 05 08:41:03 2012] [error] [client] File does not exist: C:/wamp/www/phpMyAdmin

5 回答 5

[Wed Sep 05 08:41:03 2012] [error] [client] File does not exist: C:/wamp/www/phpMyAdmin

我想这说明了为什么你的 phpmyadmin 是空白的?

于 2012-09-05T00:54:43.743 回答

尝试使用 SQL Yog,它比 PHPmyadmin 更强大。网址:http ://www.webyog.com/en/

于 2012-09-05T03:35:20.743 回答

好吧,在尝试了 2 天之后,我终于得到了一些答案,为什么我在安装 xampp 并尝试访问 phpMyAdmin 后总是得到一个空白页面。

请务必以管理员身份登录您的服务器!!!我在一家拥有 IT 团队的公司工作,该团队授予我的帐户管理员访问权限和权限,但它仍然无法正常工作。只有当我们以管理员身份登录服务器时,它似乎才有效。


在服务器上安装 Chrome 或 firefox。如果您使用 Internet Explorer 默认浏览器,您会得到一个空白页面。

窗口服务器 2012

于 2014-09-22T15:53:08.830 回答

PHPMyAdmin 页面为空白或错误​​页面(404、403、...)

PHPMyAdmin 文件夹不在 WampServer 的 www 文件夹内,因为 WampServer 使用别名指向C:\wamp\apps\. 您可以在本文中查看我的指南。希望这有帮助!

于 2013-01-16T11:28:40.207 回答

如果您已经尝试过端口解决方案并且它不起作用,请先安装 Apache 服务然后启动它,然后转到 phpMyAdmin 页面!

于 2014-08-27T14:14:55.170 回答