Your collection should have public properties, so datagrid could bind columns to it.
If you use collection type of Object than you have no properies for binding, so the empty rows will be displayed.
Here is example for you:
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public ObservableCollection dataSource;
public MainWindow()
this.dataSource = new ObservableCollection<SomeDataSource>();
this.dataSource.Add(new SomeDataSource { Field = "123" });
this.dataSource.Add(new SomeDataSource { Field = "1234" });
this.dataSource.Add(new SomeDataSource { Field = "12345" });
this.dataGrid1.ItemsSource = this.dataSource;
public class SomeDataSource
public string Field {get;set;}
<DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="False" Height="253" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="27,24,0,0" Name="dataGrid1" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="448">
<DataGridTextColumn Header="First" Binding="{Binding Path=Field, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" />