对 C# 来说相当新,所以如果我遗漏了一些简单的东西或试图以错误的方式做这件事,请原谅我。
我正在创建另一个表单来补充我的主表单,它需要在单击第二个表单的按钮时从主表单中提取一些信息。Main for 上的信息存储在复选框和文本框中。
这是我目前用来在我的主窗体上显示复选框 TAG 数据的代码。
//Statements to write checkboxes to stringbuilder
string checkBoxesLine = "\u2022 LIGHTS ";
foreach (Control control in pnlCheckBoxes.Controls)
if (control is CheckBox)
CheckBox checkBox = (CheckBox)control;
if (checkBox.Checked && checkBox.Tag is string)
string checkBoxId = (string)checkBox.Tag;
checkBoxesLine += string.Format("{0}, ", checkBoxId);
这是我用来打开新表单并将复选框标记数据和 textbox.text 数据移动到新表单的按钮。
private void code_blue_link_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e)
trouble_shooting = tshooting_text.Text;
services_offered = services_offered_text.Text;
other_notes = other_notes_text.Text;
cust_modem = cust_modem_text.Text;
//Opens CODE BLUE form and pushes text to it.
code_blue_form CBForm = new code_blue_form();
CBForm.cust_name_cb = cust_name_text.Text;
CBForm.cust_cbr_cb = cust_callback_text.Text;
CBForm.cust_wtn_cb = cust_btn_text.Text;
CBForm.cust_notes_cb = cust_modem + "\r\n" + trouble_shooting + "\r\n" + services_offered + "\r\n" + other_notes;
public partial class code_blue_form : Form
public string cust_name_cb;
public string cust_wtn_cb;
public string cust_cbr_cb;
public string cust_notes_cb;
public string cust_modem_cb;
public code_blue_form()
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
cb_name_text.Text = cust_name_cb;
cb_wtn_text.Text = cust_wtn_cb;
cb_cbr_text.Text = cust_cbr_cb;
cb_notes_text.Text = cust_notes_cb;