My issue is very related with this question. I'm working in a app that must implement a very uncommon behavior and, in my current overview, I don't know if it is a possible implementation. The main sequence of my desired behavior is:

  1. The user is navigating in a browser, that can be either Android's browser or a desktop/remote browser, in a webpage (let's say "http://somewebpage.com");
  2. The user access my dynamic website, that has a button to redirect him to GooglePlay store;
  3. The user downloads my Android app from GooglePlay;
  4. When the app download finish, in the first open of the Adroid app, it has a reference to the first visited page in item 1 ("http://somewebpage.com").

So, how can I properly implement this? Does GooglePlay store provide a way to pass dynamic arguments to downloaded apps? Is it possible to pass a dynamic configuration file coupled with the .apk in app download-time? I've already spent lots of time in this, but I'm still with no solutions.

Thanks in advance!


2 回答 2



于 2012-09-04T14:18:47.710 回答

只是一个想法......您可以操纵 Google Analytics(分析)引荐来源参数并通过接收器自己阅读它们并执行com.android.vending.INSTALL_REFERRER操作。从来没有尝试过...当我不得不创建一个动态 APK 时,我做了很多技巧和操作(通过脚本编译、签名等)来创建动态 APK,它是直接从我们的网站下载的。

于 2012-09-04T14:18:50.567 回答