
我正在尝试为我的女朋友创建一个独立的博客,我是一名网页设计师,但她希望我制作一个非常个性化的网站。因此,我想用 java 或 jquery 脚本以及 CSS 使她的网站脱离 HTML 编码。

我不想使用像 Wordpress、Joomla 或博客这样的东西。有没有办法让她只用 HTML 结构在她的网站上写博客。请记住,她对 HTML 代码一无所知,也没有任何 FTP 软件或倾向。

基本上,她想像任何其他博客一样登录并开始打字,并且她想要自己的域,但我只想使用 HTML ......或者可能有点 PHP。



6 回答 6


我认为您正在寻找的是 Wordpress。

您只能使用 Wordpress 在 HTML 中编写代码。如果您愿意,也可以使用 PHP(使用简码)。如果一个站点应该是纯 html 的完全静态的,那么登录 cpanel 并开始编写您的 html 代码 :) 您可能需要的只是一个合适的模板。

于 2012-09-04T13:53:02.713 回答

You'll need to create a Content Management System, or CMS, and pretty much reinvent the wheel that Wordpress, Joomla, and Blogger already are.

You'll need some sort of server side language to accept input (whether it be images, blog posts, etc) to save them on the server, PHP can do this, but it's still PHP. Javascript cannot do that by itself, neither can HTML or CSS as I'm sure you know.

I highly recommend against rewriting the wheel like this for a few reasons. Primarily security. You could easily make a few mistakes in the log in page, subtle mistakes that don't even seem like mistakes that somebody could abuse to gain entry to the site's content. What good is a gorgeous site if you can't lock it down? The site would quickly lose integrity.

Maintaining a site like this can also be a problem for a single person such as yourself. The simplest CMS is the most rigid, but I imagine she'd want control over rigidity. If you're doing this yourself, this becomes difficult quickly. This will take a lot of time and effort. Time and effort you won't be paid for.

If you do undertake this, she's going to have requests and you will quickly turn into a business relationship when it comes to the site. She'll be your client, always making requests asking you for help when it doesn't do what she expects it to. This is stressful/annoying in work environments, I can't imagine what it'd do to a relationship.

Can this be done using purely HTML/Javascript/CSS? No.

Can this be done with a little PHP? Yes.

Should it? I recommend against it. Find a Wordpress-esque site that gives you the control she wants and go with it. It'll save you a lot of time, effort, and maybe even the relationship, you never know. If you still want to design the look of her site, many of these sites allow for that but still have the powerful, secure, and maintained-by-other-people backend that will make the site that much easier to blog for.

于 2012-09-04T14:06:19.150 回答

使用 PHP 和数据库将解决您的问题。输入博客文章,将其保存到数据库(SQL 或 Access),然后在显示博客文章的页面上检索它。

于 2012-09-04T13:53:57.327 回答

一点 PHP 将解决您的问题。在某种密码保护区域中使用 TinyMCE 或 FCKEditor 作为 WYSIWYG(所见即所得)编辑器。然后将编辑器的内容保存在 HTML 文件中(使用 PHP 很容易),并将 HTML 文件包含在博客条目列表中(访问者将看到的页面)。如果您添加 MySQL,您将保存博客的文件写入和排序(按日期),如果您仅使用 HTML 文件,这可能会很棘手。

于 2012-09-04T13:51:57.613 回答

如果你真的想要一些简单的东西,你可以使用Scriptogr.am例如。它将您的帖子存储在 Dropbox 中,并使用 MarkDown 语言编写,这是一种比 HTML 更简单的博客方式。


于 2012-09-04T13:56:53.627 回答

我会使用一个简单的 Ruby on Rails 应用程序,如此处所述。 http://guides.rubyonrails.org/getting_started.html 启动它只需 20 分钟,您可以直接将其部署到 heroku 以获取内容主机。

于 2012-09-04T14:21:56.137 回答