
tableA:        | tableB:
col1  col2     | col3  col4
-----------    | ----------
1     4        | 1     x
2     5        | 2     x
3     6        | 1     z
               | 2     z
               | 3     z

我想在 DB2 中编写一个存储过程,通过修改 col3 的值及其从tableA(1-4, 2-5, 3-6) 的映射,在 tableB 中添加一些行,因此添加了这些行:

通过查看行 where col4 = x,这些行必须添加到 tableB 中:

               | 4     A1 -> (only 1 changed to its mapping value 4)
               | 2     A1

               | 1     B1   
               | 5     B1 -> (only 2 changed to its mapping value 5)

               | 4     C1 -> (1 changed to its mapping value 4)
               | 5     C1 -> (and 2 changed to its mapping value 5)

并通过查看行 where col4 = z,这些行必须添加到 tableB 中:

               | 4     A2 -> (only 1 changed to its mapping value 4)
               | 2     A2
               | 3     A2

               | 1     B2 
               | 5     B2 -> (only 2 changed to its mapping value 5)
               | 3     B2

               | 1     C2 
               | 2     C2
               | 6     C2 -> (only 3 changed to its mapping value 6)

               | 4     D2 -> (1 changed to its mapping value 4)
               | 5     D2 -> (and 2 changed to its mapping value 5)
               | 3     D2

               | 4     E2 -> (1 changed to its mapping value 4)
               | 2     E2
               | 6     E2 -> (and 3 changed to its mapping value 6)

               | 1     F2 
               | 5     F2 -> (2 changed to its mapping value 5)
               | 6     F2 -> (and 3 changed to its mapping value 6)

               | 4     G2 -> (1 changed to its mapping value 4)
               | 5     G2 -> (and 2 changed to its mapping value 5)
               | 6     G2 -> (and 3 changed to its mapping value 6)


  • 2 对 1 映射(由 2 行表示:[1,x] 和 [2,x]),因此在 tableB 中添加了 3 多行。
  • 和一个 3 对 1 的映射(由 3 行表示:[1,z]、[2,z] 和 [3,z]),因此在 tableB 中添加了 7 多行。

如果我在 tableB 中有 4 对 1 映射(由 4 行表示),则必须再添加 15 行。
如果我在 tableB 中有 5 对 1 映射(由 5 行表示),则必须再添加 31 行,依此类推...

(不要将这些映射与 tableA 的映射混淆。是不同的)


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于 2012-09-04T13:24:11.977 回答