在 Visual Studio 2012 中使用 IIS Express 作为我的开发服务器,我注意到我的系统托盘中出现了一个看起来很奇怪的银蓝色图标。原来这是 IIS Express 图标,如下图所示(IIS Express 图标在左侧):

左侧显示的 IIS Express 图标

这个图标应该代表什么?大约一个星期以来,我一直以为它是一个程式化的 S,现在它看起来更像是一个被机器人手压碎的锡罐。


1 回答 1


The icon you mention is the IIS Express System Tray application icon.

If you were to debug or run a Web Site or Web Application from the Visual Studio IDE, this icon will be displayed in your System Tray; you can right-click this icon and gain access to further features to stop these web sites and more.

IIS Express is somewhat similar to the Visual Studio Web Server in that it runs the web site/application under a random port on localhost. IIS Express is beneficial to use because incorporates the main Windows IIS Features without the need of requiring the Windows IIS Feature to be installed on the developer's computer; most corporates don't like to have the Windows IIS Feature installed because it represents a security risk to the company and requires more corporate management.



于 2014-02-24T14:39:45.537 回答