有没有办法记录进程读取/写入的所有注册表值,类似于 Process Monitor 所做的?
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在 .NET 中处理 WMI 事件 --- 为了在 .NET 中处理 WMI 事件,我们可以使用 System.Management 命名空间中的类。例如,这是由 WMI Code Creator 生成的一段代码:
using System; using System.Management; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace WMISample { public class WMIReceiveEvent { public static void Main() { try { //Construct the query. Keypath specifies the key in the registry to watch. //Note the KeyPath should be must have backslashes escaped. Otherwise //you will get ManagementException. WqlEventQuery query = new WqlEventQuery( "SELECT * FROM RegistryKeyChangeEvent WHERE " + "Hive = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE'" + @"AND KeyPath = 'SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\.NETFramework'"); ManagementEventWatcher watcher = new ManagementEventWatcher(query); Console.WriteLine("Waiting for an event..."); ManagementBaseObject eventObj = watcher.WaitForNextEvent(); Console.WriteLine("{0} event occurred.", eventObj["__CLASS"]); // Cancel the event subscription watcher.Stop(); return; } catch(ManagementException err) { MessageBox.Show("An error occurred while trying to receive an event: " + err.Message); } } } }
于 2012-09-06T06:30:19.803 回答