有谁知道如何在 drupal 7 中创建像http://www.campaignmonitor.com/create/rss-to-email/#data-repeater这样的 xml 格式。我需要的是,输出一个带有自定义节点和自定义属性的 xml。格式就像

<h3>The latest from our blog</h3>
<datarepeater type="rss" src="http://abcwidgets.com">
    <h4><rsstitle tocitem></h4>
    <p>Posted by <rssauthor /> on <rssitemday />/<rssitemmonth /></p>
    <rssimage width="600" />
    <rssbody paragraphs="all" />



1 回答 1


First of all, drupal questions go to https://drupal.stackexchange.com/

Another thing is that you can do in various ways. It would be helpful if you would tell what exactly you are trying to do and why. Drupal has "views" where you can export XML that you want. This is probably the best way to look for your solution.

于 2012-09-04T08:56:20.973 回答