我从PyCuda示例中运行 SimpleSpeedTest.py,产生以下输出:
Using nbr_values == 8192
Calculating 100000 iterations
SourceModule time and first three results:
0.058294s, [ 0.005477 0.005477 0.005477]
Elementwise time and first three results:
0.102527s, [ 0.005477 0.005477 0.005477]
Elementwise Python looping time and first three results:
2.398071s, [ 0.005477 0.005477 0.005477]
GPUArray time and first three results:
8.207257s, [ 0.005477 0.005477 0.005477]
CPU time measured using :
0.000002s, [ 0.005477 0.005477 0.005477]
前四个时间测量值是合理的,但最后一个(0.000002s)距离很远。CPU 结果应该是最慢的,但它比最快的 GPU 方法快几个数量级。所以显然测量的时间一定是错误的。这很奇怪,因为对于前四个结果,相同的计时方法似乎工作得很好。
所以我从 SimpleSpeedTest.py 中获取了一些代码,并制作了一个小测试文件[2],它产生了:
time measured using option 1:
time measured using option 2:
选项 1pycuda.driver.Event.record()
使用(如在 SimpleSpeedTest.py 中)测量持续时间,选项 2使用time.clock()
. 同样,选项 1 关闭,而选项 2 给出了合理的结果(运行测试文件所需的时间约为 6 秒)。
由于 SimpleSpeedTest.py 支持使用选项 1,是否是我的设置导致了问题?我正在运行 GTX 470、显示驱动程序 301.42、CUDA 4.2、Python 2.7 64、PyCuda 2012.1、X5650 Xeon
import numpy
import time
import pycuda.driver as drv
import pycuda.autoinit
n_iter = 100000
nbr_values = 8192 # = 64 * 128 (values as used in SimpleSpeedTest.py)
start = drv.Event() # option 1 uses pycuda.driver.Event
end = drv.Event()
a = numpy.ones(nbr_values).astype(numpy.float32) # test data
start.record() # start option 1 (inserting recording points into GPU stream)
tic = time.clock() # start option 2 (using CPU time)
for i in range(n_iter):
a = numpy.sin(a) # do some work
end.record() # end option 1
toc = time.clock() # end option 2
events_secs = start.time_till(end)*1e-3
time_secs = toc - tic
print "time measured using option 1:"
print "%fs " % events_secs
print "time measured using option 2:"
print "%fs " % time_secs