I have the following custom formula in Excel file named Excel_Sample.xls:

GetData = Workbooks("data.xls").Worksheets("sht").Range("E1")

When the data.xls is open, open the Excel_Sample.xls, and the cell using this formula(say A1) could get the value of Cell E1 in data.xls.

However, close data.xls then:

Open Excel_Sample.xls In Excel 2003, the data in A1 is still there even if the formula of GetData isn't valid (cause the data.xls is closed.).

Open Excel_Sample.xls In Excel 2010, the data in A1 become #VALUE! cause the formula runs again and can get the data in data.xls.

What can I do to keep the data in Excel 2010 even the formula is invalid, just like 2003?


1 回答 1


打开 Excel_Sample.xls 在 Excel 2003 中,即使 GetData 的公式无效(因为 data.xls 已关闭),A1 中的数据仍然存在。


  1. 在具有公式的工作簿中将计算设置为自动,如果它还不是自动的。您可以在“公式”选项卡下执行此操作 | 计算选项
  2. 打开两个工作簿。让公式自行更新。
  3. 将计算更改为手动
  4. 关闭从中获取值的工作簿,您就完成了。


于 2012-09-04T06:56:03.593 回答