如果在您的网站上放置大量内容是有价值的,那么随着您的扩展,坏人会发现这一点并绕过您的防御。你需要看看他们在做什么,以不同的方式适应和解决问题。这就是 GMail 垃圾邮件小组仍然存在的原因。:) 那支球队的财大气粗,聪明的女孩/伙计们。如果它是“可解决的”,他们现在应该已经解决了。
Doing something like what you describe above is a great start. I would also invest in instrumentation & push the data off to a platform where you can analyze it after the fact (ex: a Hadoop cluster). This way you can study the livesite traffic to see if you have a problem and, if so, learn about how they are doing it so you can adapt.
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