I want to create a C# application to send a little message to my Android device.

I've found this article.

For first I've make a win form application and include the functions of the article, after I have registed an API KEY.

I've replaced the API KEY and ID project respectively:

Key for browser apps (with referers) with "YOUR_BROWSER_API_KEY" and "DEVICE_REGISTRATION_ID" with the code that I received from the link:


The project compiles correctly but when I send data it is returning me the following error:


Can anyone help me?


1 回答 1


从您对问题的评论来看,您并不清楚您是否完全理解 Google Cloud Messaging 的用途:GCM 不会发送会在您的设备上自动弹出通知的消息(就像短信一样),GCM 会向您在设备上运行的应用程序,然后该应用程序使用它收到的数据弹出通知。

如果您尚未编写要在您的设备上运行的 Android 应用程序,您将无法使用 GCM 向其发送任何内容。

于 2014-06-22T03:53:12.817 回答