我在 asp.net c# web 应用程序中使用 javascript 打开默认邮件客户端。下面是我的代码..
<script language="javascript">
function SendAttach() {
var theApp //Reference to Outlook.Application
var theMailItem //Outlook.mailItem
//Attach Files to the email
var attach3 = "c:\\mail\\test.txt"
//Construct the Email including To(address),subject,body
//var recipient
var subject = "Email Using JavaScript"
var msg = "This is a test mail,sent to you using javascript by kushan thakershy"
//Create a object of Outlook.Application
try {
var theApp = new ActiveXObject("Outlook.Application");
var objNS = theApp.GetNameSpace('MAPI');
var theMailItem = theApp.CreateItem(0) // value 0 = MailItem
//Bind the variables with the email
theMailItem.to = "anita.bharadva@compulynx.org"
theMailItem.Subject = (subject);
theMailItem.Body = (msg);
//Show the mail before sending for review purpose
//You can directly use the theMailItem.send() function
//if you do not want to show the message.
catch (err) {
alert("The following may have cause this error: \n" +
"1. The Outlook express 2003 is not installed on the machine.\n" +
"2. The msoutl.olb is not availabe at the location " +
"C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\OFFICE11\\msoutl.old on client's machine " +
"due to bad installation of the office 2003." +
"Re-Install office2003 with default settings.\n" +
"3. The Initialize and Scripts ActiveX controls not marked as safe is not set to enable.")
document.write("<a href=\"" + "./testemail.asp" + "\"" + ">" + "Go Back" + "</a>")