简单(并具有三种不同的 GOF 设计模式)。
public interface IHandlerOf<T> where T : Component
void DoWork(T component);
所以现在我们可以为我们想要处理的每个组件类型创建一个处理程序类型。DB 组件处理程序如下所示:
public class DbComponentHandler : IHandlerOf<DbComponent>
public void DoWork(DbComponent component)
// do db specific information here
foreach (Component component in ComponentList)
//maps handlers to components
var service = new ComponentService();
// register all handlers in the current assembly
// fake a component
var dbComponent = new DbComponent();
// the cool part, the invoker doesn't have to know
// about the handlers = facade pattern
public class ComponentService
private readonly Dictionary<Type, IHandlerInvoker> _handlers = new Dictionary<Type, IHandlerInvoker>();
public void Register(Assembly assembly)
foreach (var type in assembly.GetTypes())
if (type.IsInterface)
foreach (var interfaceType in type.GetInterfaces())
if (!interfaceType.IsGenericType || interfaceType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() != typeof(IHandlerOf<>))
var componentType = interfaceType.GetGenericArguments()[0];
var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
var method = instance.GetType().GetMethod("DoWork", new[] { componentType });
_handlers[componentType] = new ReflectionInvoker(instance, method);
public void Register<T>(IHandlerOf<T> handler) where T : Component
_handlers[typeof (T)] = new DirectInvoker<T>(handler);
#region Nested type: DirectInvoker
private class DirectInvoker<T> : IHandlerInvoker where T : Component
private readonly IHandlerOf<T> _handler;
public DirectInvoker(IHandlerOf<T> handler)
_handler = handler;
#region IHandlerInvoker Members
public void Invoke(Component component)
_handler.DoWork((T) component);
#region Nested type: IHandlerInvoker
private interface IHandlerInvoker
void Invoke(Component component);
#region Nested type: ReflectionInvoker
private class ReflectionInvoker : IHandlerInvoker
private readonly object _instance;
private readonly MethodInfo _method;
public ReflectionInvoker(object instance, MethodInfo method)
_instance = instance;
_method = method;
#region IHandlerInvoker Members
public void Invoke(Component component)
_method.Invoke(_instance, new object[] {component});
public void Invoke(Component component)
IHandlerInvoker invoker;
if (!_handlers.TryGetValue(component.GetType(), out invoker))
throw new NotSupportedException("Failed to find a handler for " + component.GetType());
请注意,接口 ( IHandlerOf<T>
) 是通用的,这意味着我们不能将它直接存储在字典中。因此我们使用适配器模式来存储所有的处理程序。
public interface IHandlerOf<in T> where T : Component
void DoWork(T component);
public class ComponentService
private readonly Dictionary<Type, IHandlerInvoker> _handlers = new Dictionary<Type, IHandlerInvoker>();
public void Register(Assembly assembly)
foreach (var type in assembly.GetTypes())
if (type.IsInterface)
foreach (var interfaceType in type.GetInterfaces())
if (!interfaceType.IsGenericType || interfaceType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() != typeof(IHandlerOf<>))
var componentType = interfaceType.GetGenericArguments()[0];
var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
var method = instance.GetType().GetMethod("DoWork", new[] { componentType });
_handlers[componentType] = new ReflectionInvoker(instance, method);
public void Register<T>(IHandlerOf<T> handler) where T : Component
_handlers[typeof (T)] = new DirectInvoker<T>(handler);
#region Nested type: DirectInvoker
private class DirectInvoker<T> : IHandlerInvoker where T : Component
private readonly IHandlerOf<T> _handler;
public DirectInvoker(IHandlerOf<T> handler)
_handler = handler;
#region IHandlerInvoker Members
public void Invoke(Component component)
_handler.DoWork((T) component);
#region Nested type: IHandlerInvoker
private interface IHandlerInvoker
void Invoke(Component component);
#region Nested type: ReflectionInvoker
private class ReflectionInvoker : IHandlerInvoker
private readonly object _instance;
private readonly MethodInfo _method;
public ReflectionInvoker(object instance, MethodInfo method)
_instance = instance;
_method = method;
#region IHandlerInvoker Members
public void Invoke(Component component)
_method.Invoke(_instance, new object[] {component});
public void Invoke(Component component)
IHandlerInvoker invoker;
if (!_handlers.TryGetValue(component.GetType(), out invoker))
throw new NotSupportedException("Failed to find a handler for " + component.GetType());
public class DbComponent : Component
public class DbComponentHandler : IHandlerOf<DbComponent>
public void DoWork(DbComponent component)
// do db specific information here
Console.WriteLine("some work done!");
internal class Program
private static void Main(string[] args)
var service = new ComponentService();
var dbComponent = new DbComponent();