I have an app which posts a message like this to a user's Facebook timeline:

(Image of correct timeline post)

This is working fine, but if I post a few times, my posts get grouped on my news feed, and I get this:

(Image of incorrectly formatted post to news feed)

What settings should I use to control the way this news report appears? Instead of 'All about periods' and the page link in the box at the top, I'd like 'Body iQ Quiz' and the app description. Where would I set these values?

And is it possible to make the grouped report say 'Jay cee Effex shared a link via Body iQ Quiz', the way the original post does?

I'm posting from the Facebook AS3 API, and my post code looks like this:

var auth:FacebookAuthResponse = Facebook.getAuthResponse();
var token:String = auth.accessToken;
var user:String = auth.uid;
var values:Object = 
    access_token: token,
    name: "Body iQ Quiz",
    picture: "http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/282950_427728213914009_630526316_n.jpg",
    description: "Women, how well do we know our bodies? Click here to find out what your Body iQ is.", 
    message: result.FacebookBody + " " + result.FacebookTitle

Facebook.api("/" + user + "/feed", handleSubmitFeed, values, URLRequestMethod.POST); 

... but I'm not sure if this is something I can fix in code, or if the app configuration needs tweaking?

NOTE: Some users report getting the latter format in their news feed even with a single post (I can't reproduce this), so perhaps grouping is a red herring, and the real question is how to format the news feed report of a timeline post?


1 回答 1


是否以及何时对帖子或照片进行分组是 Facebook 做出的决定。

(有些人建议,如果用户在发帖之间退出 Facebook,则不会发生分组——但要求甚至强迫这不是用户友好的应用程序行为方式。)

在您的情况下,我猜分组发生的原因是,它始终是您发布的同一个 URL。也许你可以避免分组,如果你每次发布不同的 URL - 可以通过在 URL 中添加一个无意义的 GET 参数来实现。但请注意,这会使它们在各个方面都成为不同的 URL;特别是如果您考虑它们是 Open Graph 对象——这些不同 URL 的点赞数不会累积,而是会针对每个 URL 进行计数。

除此之外,也许一遍又一遍地发布链接甚至不是您想要实现的正确机制——也许您最好定义一些真正的 Open Graph 操作,并使用这些操作来发布您的“分数”为您在 Facebook 上的用户...?

于 2012-09-05T15:07:02.447 回答