I want jQuery or javascript age calculator, set the age of a user when their birthday is selected, I want do show from her age that a few days and months and years last.

For example:

user birthday is : 29/04/2010
The result should be like this: 2 years, 4 months, 5 days old.

What should be the best way to do this by jQuery or javascript?


1 回答 1

function calAge()

    var curday = $("#curDay").val();
    var curmon = $("#curMonth").val();
    var curyear = $("#curYear").val();

    var calday = $("#calDay").val();
    var calmon = $("#calMonth").val();
    var calyear = $("#calYear").val();

    if (curday == "" || curmon == "" || curyear == "" || calday == "" || calmon == "" || calyear == "")
        alert("Please fill all the values and click go");
        return false;

    if (parseFloat(calyear) > parseFloat(curyear))
        alert("Enter your date of birth year less than current year");
        return false;

    if (parseFloat(calyear) == parseFloat(curyear) && parseFloat(calmon) > parseFloat(curmon))
        alert("Enter your date of birth month less than current month");
        return false;

    if (parseFloat(calyear) == parseFloat(curyear) && parseFloat(calmon) == parseFloat(curmon) && parseFloat(calday) > parseFloat(curday))
        alert("Enter your date of birth date less than current date");
        return false;

    if (curday == calday && curmon == calmon && curyear == calyear)
        alert("Happy Birthday...!");
        return false;

    var curd = new Date(curyear, curmon - 1, curday);
    var cald = new Date(calyear, calmon - 1, calday);

    if (cald.getMonth() != (calmon - 1))
        alert("Enter your valid date of birth");
        return false;

    if (curd.getMonth() != (curmon - 1))
        alert("Enter your valid date");
        return false;

    if (curd.getFullYear() < cald.getFullYear())
        alert("Enter your valid date");
        return false;

    var diff = Date.UTC(curyear, curmon - 1, curday, 0, 0, 0) - Date.UTC(calyear, calmon - 1, calday, 0, 0, 0);

    var dife = datediff(cald, curd);


    $(".your_age").text(dife.years + " years " + dife.months + " months " + dife.days + " days");

    var secleft = diff / 1000 / 60;
    $(".your_age_min").text(secleft + " minutes");

    var hrsleft = secleft / 60;
    $(".your_age_hour").text(hrsleft + " hours");

    var daysleft = hrsleft / 24;
    $(".your_age_days").text(daysleft + " days");

    // var secondsleft = secleft * 60;
    // $("#r8").val(secondsleft + " seconds");

    var as = parseInt(calyear) + dife.years + 1;

    var diff = Date.UTC(as, calmon - 1, calday, 0, 0, 0) - Date.UTC(curyear, curmon - 1, curday, 0, 0, 0);
    var datee = diff / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24;

    if ((curday == calday) && (curmon == calmon))
        $(".your_birthday span").html("Happy Birthday");
    } else
        $(".your_birthday span").html(datee + " days left until your next birthday");

    return true;


参考:https ://www.quizexpo.com/how-old-am-i-age-calculator/

于 2020-10-26T18:57:17.340 回答