What I am trying to do is populate one listview, from two different tables in my database. The tables that I am using are:

|ID        |ID           |

The id is used in all my tables, as a basic autoincrement not null, the SITE_NAME is the name of the where the UNIT_TABLE and SHOVEL_TABLE are being completed at.

After some research on the best option I decided to use the following code to create a join on the two tables using the SITE_NAME to determine which ones I need.

SQLiteQueryBuilder qb = new SQLiteQueryBuilder();
    String[] queries=new String[]{"select "+ID+", "+SHOVEL_NAME+" from "+SHOVEL_TABLE+" where "+SITE_NAME+"='"+Site+"'",
            "select "+ID+", "+ UNIT_NAME+" from "+UNIT_TABLE+" where "+SITE_NAME+"='"+Site+"'"};
    String SQL= qb.buildUnionQuery(queries, null, null);

This allowed me to combine all the data into one table, and populate my listview using a SimpleCursorAdapter. However, when I click on a list item, it takes me to the same activity. What I need it to do is if the item came from the SHOVEL_TABLE to go one Shovel.class, and if it came from the UNIT_TABLE I need it to go Unit.class.

Looking for any suggestions.


1 回答 1


我假设您在填充列表视图时使用了适配器,对吗?我猜在您的适配器中,您可以为您的 listitemlistener 添加添加的信息以记录下来。

于 2012-09-02T23:53:51.653 回答