我试图弄清楚我做错了什么以获得以下编译器错误,我使用的是 Bloodshed Dev-C++
错误读取:'stackType::stackType(const stackType&)'的原型与类'stackType'中的任何一个和非模板'stackType::stackType(const stackType&)'的模板定义不匹配,用于我的复制构造函数的一个定义
stackType<Type>::stackType(const stackType<Type>& otherStack) //definition of copy constructor
list = NULL;
另一个错误是 stackType::stackType(int) 但它没有进一步说明代码用于构造函数的定义这个错误是:
template <class Type>
stackType<Type>::stackType(int stackSize) //definition of constructor
if (stackSize <= 0)
cout << "Size of the array holding the stack must be positive." << endl;
cout << "Creating an array of size 100." << endl;
maxStackSize = 100;
maxStackSize = stackSize; //sets stack size to value specified by parameter stackSize
stackTop = 0; //sets stackTop to 0
list = new Type[maxStackSize]; //creates array to hold elements of the stack
我在 C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\SD254\SD254 Unit7B.cpp 中包含的文件中得到状态的最后一个错误,并且再次没有进一步说明。以上显然是主文件存储在我的计算机上的目录,但为什么这是一个问题?我的完整代码如下。
#ifndef H_StackType
#define H_StackType
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
template <class Type>
class stackADT
virtual void initializeStack() = 0; //initialize stack
virtual bool isEmptyStack() const = 0; //determines whether stack is empty or not
virtual bool isFullStack() const = 0; //determines whether stack is full or not
virtual void push(const Type& newItem) = 0; //adds new item to the stack
virtual Type top() const = 0; //returns the top element to the stack
virtual void pop() = 0; //removes the top element of the stack
template <class Type>
class stackType: public stackADT<Type>
const stackType<Type>& operator=(const stackType<Type>&); //overloads assignment operator
void initializeStack(); //initializes stack to empty state
bool isEmptyStack() const; //determines stack is empty
bool isFullStack() const; //determines stack is not full
void push(const Type& newItem); //adds new item to stack
Type top() const; //return the top element of the stack
void pop(); //removes top element of the stack
stackType(int stackSize = 100); //constructor and creates array with default size of 100
~stackType(); //destructor and removes all elements from the stack
void copyStack(const stackType<Type>& otherStack); //copies other stack
int maxStackSize; //stores maximum stack size
int stackTop; //point to the top of the stack
Type *list; //pointer to the array that holds the stack elements
template <class Type>
void stackType<Type>::initializeStack() //definition of function intializeStack
stackTop = 0;
template <class Type>
bool stackType<Type>::isEmptyStack() const //definition of function isEmptyStack
return(stackTop == 0);
template <class Type>
bool stackType<Type>::isFullStack() const //definition of function isFullStack
return (stackTop == maxStackSize);
template <class Type>
void stackType<Type>::push(const Type& newItem) //definition of push function
if (!isFullStack())
list[stackTop] = newItem; //adds new item to top of stack
stackTop++; //increments stackTop
cout << "Cannot add to a full stack." << endl;
template <class Type>
Type stackType<Type>::top() const //definition of top-returns the top element to the stack
assert(stackTop != 0); //if stack is empty terminate program
return list[stackTop - 1]; //return element of the stack indicated by stackTop -1
template <class Type>
void stackType<Type>::pop() //definition of function pop
if (!isEmptyStack())
stackTop--; //decrement stackTop
cout << "Cannot remove from an empty stack." << endl;
template <class Type>
void stackType<Type>::copyStack(const stackType<Type>& otherStack) //definition to make copy of stack
delete [] list;
maxStackSize = otherStack.maxStackSize;
stackTop = otherStack.stackTop;
list = new Type[maxStackSize]; //copies otherStack into this one
for (int j = 0; j < stackTop; j++)
list[j] = otherStack.list[j];
template <class Type>
stackType<Type>::stackType(int stackSize) //definition of constructor
if (stackSize <= 0)
cout << "Size of the array holding the stack must be positive." << endl;
cout << "Creating an array of size 100." << endl;
maxStackSize = 100;
maxStackSize = stackSize; //sets stack size to value specified by parameter stackSize
stackTop = 0; //sets stackTop to 0
list = new Type[maxStackSize]; //creates array to hold elements of the stack
template <class Type>
stackType<Type>::~stackType() //definition of destructor
delete [] list; //deallocates the memory occupied by the array
template <class Type>
stackType<Type>::stackType(const stackType<Type>& otherStack) //definition of copy constructor
list = NULL;
template <class Type>
const stackType<Type>& stackType<Type>::operator=(const stackType<Type>& otherStack) //overload assignment operator
if (this != &otherStack)
return *this;
#include <iostream>
#include "myStack.h"
using namespace std;
void testCopyConstructor(stackType<int> otherStack);
int main()
stackType<int> stack(25);
stackType<int> copyStack(25);
stackType<int> dummyStack(50);
copyStack = stack; //copies stack into copyStack
cout << "The elements of copyStack: " ;
while (!copyStack.isEmptyStack()) //prints copyStack
cout << copyStack.top() << " ";
cout << endl;
copyStack = stack;
testCopyConstructor(stack); //tests the copy constructor
if (!stack.isEmptyStack())
cout << "The original stack is not empty." << endl;
cout << "The top element of the original stack: " << copyStack.top() << endl;
dummyStack = stack; //copies stack into dummyStack
cout << "The elements of dummyStack: ";
while (!dummyStack.isEmptyStack()) //prints dummyStack
cout << dummyStack.top() << " " ;
cout << endl;
return 0;
void testCopyConstructor(stackType<int> otherStack)
if (!otherStack.isEmptyStack())
cout << "otherStack is not empty." << endl;
cout << "The top element of otherStack: " << otherStack.top() << endl;