我目前正在使用 C++ 重新创建一个内存修改器应用程序,原来是在 C# 中。
所有功劳归于我一直在 YouTube 上关注的教程“gimmeamilk” (视频 1 of 8)。我强烈推荐任何尝试创建类似应用程序的人使用这些教程。
我遇到的问题是我的 VirtualQueryEx 似乎永远运行。我正在扫描的进程是“notepad.exe”,我通过命令行参数传递给应用程序。
std::cout<<"Create scan started\n";
#define WRITABLE (PAGE_READWRITE | PAGE_WRITECOPY | PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE | PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY) //These are all the flags that will be used to determin if a memory block is writable.
MEMBLOCK * mb_list = NULL; //pointer to the head of the link list to be returned
MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION meminfo; //holder for the VirtualQueryEx return struct
unsigned char *addr = 0; //holds the value to pass to VirtualQueryEx
HANDLE hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,false, pid);
if(VirtualQueryEx(hProc,addr, &meminfo, sizeof(meminfo)) == 0)
if((meminfo.State & MEM_COMMIT) && (meminfo.Protect & WRITABLE)) //((binary comparison of meminfos state and MEM_COMMIT, this is basically filtering out memory that the process has reserved but not used)())
MEMBLOCK * mb = create_memblock(hProc, &meminfo);
mb->next = mb_list;
mb_list = mb;
addr = (unsigned char *)meminfo.BaseAddress + meminfo.RegionSize;//move the adress along by adding on the length of the current block
std::cout<<"Failed to open process\n";
std::cout<<"Create scan finished\n";
return mb_list;
Create scan started on process:7228
然后它不会向控制台返回任何其他内容。不幸的是,通过 Youtube 视频链接到的示例源代码不再可用。(7228会根据notepad.exe的当前pid变化)
编辑回复问题@Hans Passant 我还是不明白,我认为我在做的是
Starting a infinite loop
Testing using vqx if the address is valid and populating my MEM_BASIC_etc..
(has the process commited to using that addr of memory)(is the memory writeable)
create memblock etc
move the address along by the size of the current block
我的程序是 x32,记事本也是(据我所知)。
我的问题是因为我使用的是 x64 位操作系统,因此我实际上正在检查一个块的一半(这里的块意味着操作系统在内存中分配的单元)并导致它循环?