First of all, main
is not a function. It is indeed just a regular value and its type is IO ()
. The type can be read as: An action that, when performed, produces a value of type ()
Now the run-time system plays the role of an interpreter that performs the actions that you have described. Let's take your program as example:
main = forever (putStrLn "Hello world!")
Notice that I have performed a transformation. That one is valid, since Haskell is a referentially transparent language. The run-time system resolves the forever
and finds this:
main = putStrLn "Hello world!" >> MORE1
It doesn't yet know what MORE1
is, but it now knows that it has a composition with one known action, which is executed. After executing it, it resolves the second action, MORE1
and finds:
MORE1 = putStrLn "Hello world!" >> MORE2
Again it executes the first action in that composition and then keeps on resolving.
Of course this is a high level description. The actual code is not an interpreter. But this is a way to picture how a Haskell program gets executed. Let's take another example:
main = forever (getLine >>= putStrLn)
The RTS sees this:
main = forever MORE1
<< resolving forever >>
MORE1 = getLine >>= MORE2
<< executing getLine >>
MORE2 result = putStrLn result >> MORE1
<< executing putStrLn result (where 'result' is the line read)
and starting over >>
When understanding this you understand how an IO String
is not "a string with side effects" but rather the description of an action that would produce a string. You also understand why laziness is crucial for Haskell's I/O system to work.