您好,我一直在研究一种生成随机 pacman 迷宫的算法。我看过几篇文章,但无法分解逻辑。我使用迷宫算法深度优先搜索,然后镜像迷宫以使每个迷宫对称。我遇到了清理死胡同等问题。如果这不可能,如果有人有自己的逻辑来生成随机迷宫,我也会尝试另一种算法。任何帮助表示赞赏。谢谢


3 回答 3


I solved my problem and wanted to share. For starters I set the top row and first column and last column as a wall obstacle then I set a path on the second column, second to last row and second row so it surrounds the outer wall. Also keep in mind I am only creating 50% of the maze so when I am done I copy the maze so both sides are equal. Then I created a middle section surrounded by a wall for the area where the ghosts spawn. Then any part of the maze that hasn't been looked at I generated paths using the depth first search algorithm. After this was done I know that in a pacman maze there are no dead ends. What I did was check every cell that is part of the path that pacman can travel. If any cell has only 1 bordering cell then it is a dead end. If it is a dead end see if it can be connected to another path. If not set the dead end as a wall and check the maze again for any dead ends. After you follow these steps you will have a random maze with no dead ends that resembles the typical pacman maze.

于 2012-09-10T22:30:07.193 回答

我建议在干净区域(没有任何墙,在 n*n 0 的矩阵中)进行随机游走,然后填充随机游走未覆盖的区域(将它们设为墙),这也可能会导致未使用的空间,但这种保证有很长的步行路程。您可以任意设置步行的大小(例如,当您的步行大小达到 (n^2)/2 时,您可以停止步行)。

于 2012-09-01T10:32:59.983 回答

很久以前,我在 C=64 上使用深度优先和消除死角创建了一个随机 PacMan 迷宫生成器,但最近我的朋友挑战我再次这样做。找到了更好的方法。在我的网站上查看

本质上,我创建了一个房间网格,每个方向都有一扇敞开的门(在边界上关闭,除了隧道通向的地方),然后根据相邻的封闭门不应该超过 1 个的规则开始随机关闭门房间如果两扇门都关上了,第三扇门就会造成死胡同。继续随机执行此操作,直到所有潜在的门都按规则关闭或打开。


于 2012-12-07T22:42:36.683 回答