我正在一些异步 JS 代码中创建一个对象。创建对象后,我想在其上调用一个方法。我有点难过如何引用新对象来调用它的方法。
addLocation: (name, id, lat, lng, options, callback) ->
# Add a new location to the map
# @param string name - name to give the location
# @param int id - ID of the location if stored in the database already
# @param double lat - latitude
# @param double lng - longitude
# @param json options - options to use while adding the location
console.log("Adding new location '#{name}' (#{lat}, #{lng}) to map") if debug
@__setVisible true, =>
location = new Location(this, id, name)
location.setLatLng(lat, lng, options)
callback() if callback
return location
__addLocation: (resultLocation) ->
# Add a new location to the map and centre the view in on it
name = $(@nameElement).val()
lat = resultLocation.geometry.location.lat()
lng = resultLocation.geometry.location.lng()
@map.addLocation name, null, lat, lng, { draggable: true }, ->
# location doesn't exist at this point so the following line fails
如何执行 location.setShowInfoWindowOnClick(true)?