关于 F# 中元素组合的最优雅和最简单实现的另一个问题。
comb 2 [1;2;2;3];;
[[1;2]; [1;2]; [1;3]; [2;2]; [2;3]; [2;3]]
关于 F# 中元素组合的最优雅和最简单实现的另一个问题。
comb 2 [1;2;2;3];;
[[1;2]; [1;2]; [1;3]; [2;2]; [2;3]; [2;3]]
一种比 ssp 更简洁、更快速的解决方案:
let rec comb n l =
match n, l with
| 0, _ -> [[]]
| _, [] -> []
| k, (x::xs) -> List.map ((@) [x]) (comb (k-1) xs) @ comb k xs
let rec comb n l =
match (n,l) with
| (0,_) -> [[]]
| (_,[]) -> []
| (n,x::xs) ->
let useX = List.map (fun l -> x::l) (comb (n-1) xs)
let noX = comb n xs
useX @ noX
let rec comb n l =
match (n,l) with
| (0,_) -> [[]]
| (_,[]) -> []
| (n,x::xs) ->
List.flatten [(List.map (fun l -> x::l) (comb (n-1) xs)); (comb n xs)]
let combinations (k : int) (xs : 'a list) : ('a list) seq =
let rec loop (k : int) (xs : 'a list) : ('a list) seq = seq {
match xs with
| [] -> ()
| xs when k = 1 -> for x in xs do yield [x]
| x::xs ->
let k' = k - 1
for ys in loop k' xs do
yield x :: ys
yield! loop k xs }
loop k xs
|> Seq.filter (List.length >> (=)k)
以下代码是尾递归的,并生成一个迭代过程。从 24 个元素的列表中计算大小为 12 的组合需要三分之一的时间。
let combinations size aList =
let rec pairHeadAndTail acc bList =
match bList with
| [] -> acc
| x::xs -> pairHeadAndTail (List.Cons ((x,xs),acc)) xs
let remainderAfter = aList |> pairHeadAndTail [] |> Map.ofList
let rec comboIter n acc =
match n with
| 0 -> acc
| _ ->
|> List.fold (fun acc alreadyChosenElems ->
match alreadyChosenElems with
| [] -> aList //Nothing chosen yet, therefore everything remains.
| lastChoice::_ -> remainderAfter.[lastChoice]
|> List.fold (fun acc elem ->
List.Cons (List.Cons (elem,alreadyChosenElems),acc)
) acc
) []
|> comboIter (n-1)
comboIter size [[]]
取自离散数学及其应用的方法。结果返回存储在数组中的有序组合列表。并且索引是从 1 开始的。
let permutationA (currentSeq: int []) (n:int) (r:int): Unit =
let mutable i = r
while currentSeq.[i - 1] = n - r + i do
i <- (i - 1)
currentSeq.[i - 1] <- currentSeq.[i - 1] + 1
for j = i + 1 to r do
currentSeq.[j - 1] <- currentSeq.[i - 1] + j - i
let permutationNum (n:int) (r:int): int [] list =
if n >= r then
let endSeq = [|(n-r+1) .. n|]
let currentSeq: int [] = [|1 .. r|]
let mutable resultSet: int [] list = [Array.copy currentSeq];
while currentSeq <> endSeq do
permutationA currentSeq n r
resultSet <- (Array.copy currentSeq) :: resultSet
Ok, just tail combinations little different approach (without using of library function)
let rec comb n lst =
let rec findChoices = function
| h::t -> (h,t) :: [ for (x,l) in findChoices t -> (x,l) ]
| [] -> []
[ if n=0 then yield [] else
for (e,r) in findChoices lst do
for o in comb (n-1) r do yield e::o ]
我的解决方案不太简洁,不太有效(尽管如此,没有使用直接递归),但它确实返回了所有组合(目前只有对,需要扩展 filterOut 以便它可以返回两个列表的元组,稍后会做很少的事情)。
let comb lst =
let combHelper el lst =
lst |> List.map (fun lstEl -> el::[lstEl])
let filterOut el lst =
lst |> List.filter (fun lstEl -> lstEl <> el)
lst |> List.map (fun lstEl -> combHelper lstEl (filterOut lstEl lst)) |> List.concat
梳 [1;2;3;4] 将返回: [[1; 2]; [1; 3]; [1; 4]; [2; 1]; [2; 3]; [2; 4]; [3; 1]; [3; 2]; [3; 4]; [4; 1]; [4; 2]; [4; 3]]