I am looking to read in the data that is stored as a CLOB value in my Oracle database. The contents simply are HTML that renders emails that we send through our CRM application. I want to re-create images of the email to include in my reports on crm performance.
I can successfully read the data into SPSS
using the following query, which converts the CLOB to a string of length (32750).
/SQL='SELECT * FROM mytable'
What I am looking to do is perform a similar query but read the data into R. I attempted the following query and got the error below:
> SQL <-"SELECT to_char(CONTENT) as content from REL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE"
> ds <- sqlQuery(ch, SQL, as.is=T, stringsAsFactors=F)
> ds
[1] "HY000 22835 [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-22835: Buffer too small for CLOB to CHAR or BLOB to RAW conversion (actual: 5923, maximum: 4000)\n"
[2] "[RODBC] ERROR: Could not SQLExecDirect 'SELECT to_char(CONTENT) as content from REL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE'"
I am not sure how I can make the "buffer" larger, but figure that because I accomplish this in SPSS that R must be able to do this as well.
Many thanks in advance.