Project --> CaseWorkerA --|> CaseWorker --|> User
所以基本上我有一个项目类,其中包含对 CaseWorkerA 的引用,它是 CaseWorker 的子类,它又是 User 的子类。
public class Project {
private CaseWorkerA caseWorkerA;
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
@Cascade({ org.hibernate.annotations.CascadeType.SAVE_UPDATE, org.hibernate.annotations.CascadeType.PERSIST,
org.hibernate.annotations.CascadeType.REFRESH, org.hibernate.annotations.CascadeType.MERGE })
@JoinColumn(name = "CaseWorker_A")
public CaseWorkerA getCaseWorkerA() {
return caseWorkerA;
public class User {
public class CaseWorker extends User {
private CaseWorkerStatus status;
public CaseWorkerStatus getStatus() {
return status;
public class CaseWorkerA extends CaseWorker {
然后,在 Dao 类中有一个方法,用于存储项目:
public class ProjectDao {
public Project saveUpdateProject(final Project project) {
if (project.getId() == null) {
} else {
project = (Project) getSession(false).merge(project);
return project;
Dao 方法接收一个存在于数据库中的项目。此项目连接到 CaseWorkerA,该 CaseWorkerA 的状态为 CaseWorkerStatus.ACTIVE(在数据库和传入对象中)。但是在合并之后,caseworker 的状态变成了 null。
I really don't get how this is possible, since the value is the same in the database, as in the object to be stored, I would expect it to stay the same after the merge.
(There are no triggers in the database for this field..)
(I am going to try to change the dao-method to use saveOrUpdate instead, but even if this will fix the problem I would still very much like to know what caused it in the first place).
So I fiddled around with the debugger, and found the following: When I queried the session for the CaseWorker in question, it appeared with it's status-field set (actually, the object returned was exactly the one that was connected to the Project).
Doing a saveOrUpdate, and then a get, resulted in a CaseWorker with the status-field set. So it seems to be a problem with the merge method..