I'm having trouble with a table cell not spanning correctly. I'm using jQuery to show/hide a row of a table which contains a form, however, when I toggle the display of it, it isn't working correctly.

You can see what I mean here - http://development.dekken.co.uk/bni/training/

If you click on 'confirm', the form is toggled. However, as you'll see, it both pushes the layout of the other rows out of place AND doesn't fill the row as it should.

UPDATE It seems that the issue in question is not occurring in IE, only Safari and Firefox


2 回答 2


您用于 CSS 属性“display”的某些值似乎会导致一些布局问题。在使用行和单元格时,“块”在技术上不是“显示”的合适值 - 它会将元素的呈现模式更改为不基于表格的东西,而不仅仅是让它出现;更好的值是“table-row”和“table-cell”。

于 2009-08-03T09:13:13.033 回答

不知道它是否相关,但 tr 应该有 display = "table-row",而不是 "block"

于 2009-08-03T09:12:40.930 回答