解析错误:语法错误,第 28 行 /home/largo/public_html/dev/wp-content/plugins/email-key/email-key.php 中的意外 '['
$to = components['recipient'];
function get_form_components($components) {
global $wpdb;
$table = $wpdb->prefix . "ebk";
$components['ebk_key'] = md5(microtime());
$sql = build_sql_insert($table,$components);
if ($wpdb->query($sql) === FALSE) {
//return FALSE;
} else {
$to = components['recipient'];
$subject = "A message from the website " . get_bloginfo( 'name' );
$message = "Hello,\n you getting this message because your email used in the contact form in this site: \n
the message didn\'t sent yet and it\'s waiting in a Message queue, for the message actually will send please press the
folowing link:\n " .$components['ebk_key'] . "\n Thanks you\n " . get_bloginfo( 'name' );
$dummy_components = $components;
$dummy_components['recipient'] = 'hold-this-please@wpcoder.co.il';
return $dummy_components;